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Adult Education Offerings

We are thrilled to partner with Gorham Adult Education to bring you a range of exciting classes and workshops. Visit their website HERE to discover more about their diverse offerings or REGISTER FOR A COURSE!

At GAA, we're eager for adults to tap into their inner artist.


Ignite your creative passion with us!

Intro to Stained Glass

In this introductory class, students will learn about the tools and techniques needed to create a simple piece. This class is intended for participants who are interested in learning the process. You will be designing, cutting and grinding your own glass, cleaning and preparing it for soldering, and finally using a soldering iron to complete your piece. Pieces are typically made from about 5 pieces of glass so please keep this in mind as you think of ideas for your project. This class can also be quite labor intensive and you will likely be working the full 4 hours to complete your piece. Materials included.

Needle Felted Creatures

This class is open to participants of all skill levels. We will use needle felting tools and techniques to create 3-dimensional creatures. Bring your own idea or come prepared to take part in the instructor-led option.

Intro to Acrylic and Oil Painting

Build observational paintings from the ground up in your choice of acrylics or oils! This class introduces acrylic and oil mediums, basic drawing/perception skills used for the layout of a painting, color theory, color mixing and using color to create a sense of space. Feel free to bring in subject matter of your choice or use a provided still life, landscape and portrait prompt. We may work from photographs and life and will learn from the works of artists past and contemporary.

Stained Glass Ornaments

This class is open to participants of all skill levels. Join us for a day of making simple ornaments or gifts for seasonal gift giving! Materials included.

Drawing People

from Face to Figure 

Hone your observation drawing skills and practice drawing portraits and full figure work in a fun supportive setting. The class will begin by studying basic proportions of the face and figure, using value to create the illusion of dimension, and move on to foreshortening through a series of drawing exercises from gesture drawing to long poses with a clothed model and drawing from photographs. We will also explore a variety of different media including vine charcoal, pencil and ink wash.

Portrait Painting

Acrylic or Oil

Practice painting portraits in your choice of acrylic or oil. This class will introduce color theory, color mixing, and using color to create a sense of space. We will explore painting from observation and photographs, as well as from color exercises and learning from the works of artists past and contemporary. It is recommended that students have taken a portrait or life drawing class previously or feel happy with their observational drawing skills.

Stained Glass Studio

This is an open studio option for beginners who would like to hone their skills or for more confident makers who would like to have the opportunity to work on a larger piece with the company of fellow makers.

Linoleum printmaking

Explore the medium of linoleum printmaking as a basic and intermediate technique to create relief cut prints on fabric and paper. Experiment with different inks and vibrant multi-color application methods and ways to carve and cut blocks to create single or multilayered prints. Embellished clothes and textiles and create personalized gifts or home goods. We will also observe the works of different print artists and study their styles and methods.

Transition into Autumn with Chair Yoga

Your postural alignment, flexibility and stability are important at any age, and as we age become even more critical. If you have considered taking a yoga class, but feel like you are too “old”, too “stiff” or are thinking that yoga is just for the young, this class is for you. Chair yoga is an accessible form of offering yoga postures that make it ideal for beginning elders. There isn’t any special clothing required and you can do it with your shoes on! With attention on our breath, we’ll focus on friendly postures that are designed to increase your flexibility, stability and alignment as well as to provide relaxation and ease. Each class will start with breathing and centering exercises to build awareness in the body. Simple postures will be introduced and expanded upon from week to week. All movements will originate from a seated chair position and are accessible for all levels of fitness. Optional modifications will be offered for those who would like to experiment with the postures on the mat. Join us in-person at the studio or virtually via zoom. A link will be provided prior to the start of the start of the program, and the sessions will be recorded. No experience necessary

Arts and Nature Center at Tannery Brook

Early Childhood Center Preschool / Pre-K / TK School Age Gr. K-12 + Adult Education

10 Wentworth Drive

Gorham, Maine 04038



Gorham, ME, USA

Gorham Performing Arts Center
Community Theater Programs

School Age K-12 Programs/Classes

34 School Street

Gorham, Maine 04038


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